Let's not dwell on past mistakes!

 "I was searching for you guys in the corridor, and look at you all sit ting here..." he said and we started discussing other things. When the school was over, we all bid farewell and headed homes.

I was very excited as now I had a present in mind. So after lunch, I went out to the bookstore to buy

a good novel which Ahmed hadn't already read. After a lot of search, I found one which I thought Ahmed would like, and I immedi ately bought it.

The next day after school, we went home as usual, but with the plan in place for a surprise birthday party at my house. As planned, Zain and Ali lured Ahmed to my house in the afternoon, telling him that I was not feeling well.

When they arrived at my place, 1 opened the door and shouted, "Sur prise, birthday boy!

Ahmed was genuinely surprised to see all three of us looking at him,

 while Ali and Zain took out party peers from their bags and mime Lately popped them. Ahmed war very happy and and hugged all of us. We celebrated the birthday in the traditional way, cutting the cake and sharing it with each other. Then came the time to give presents to Ahmed. All three of us gave him presents, and Ahmed opened them most, as I had wanted to
understand why be said such rude words to me. Then I remembered that on Ahmed's birthday, Ahmed told me that he liked my present the most, and Zain heard it. Maybe he was hurt, I reasoned. However, then it dawned upon me that Zain was the one who gave me the idea to buy the anvel, and I hadn't mentioned his name to Ahmed. I felt ashamed, so I went to Ahmed and told him that the idea to buy a novel for him as a gift was Zain's and not mine. Ahmed smiled, and both of us went to Zain.
"Zain, I appreciate your under standing of me and giving to Umar the idea of buying a novel for me. I am blessed to have friends like you all, I might read this book so much. You truly Dedi are a friend who knows me so well. Zain heard it but said nothing, went only looked at me annoyingly. The an in next day was a regular school day, arty but I noticed Zain was cross with and me, he didn't talk to me.
the After asking him the reason several times, he finally said, "You are selfish, Umar. You only think about 1 yourself. You show that you care about your friends the most, but in reality, you just use us!" he said and nd left.

I was taken aback and didn't un

who have a great under standing and love for me." Ahmed said.

Zain smiled and replied, "Ir's okay. After all, it was I who got emo tional, and I know I shouldn't have acted this way."

Zain looked at me in embarrass ment and we both apologised to each other.

Ahmed said, "Let's not dwell on past mistakes and be the friends we were befure."

Just then, Ali joined in, "Hey guys, did I just miss anything?" "No, not at all!" we all laughed and walked home together.

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