G.K/C.A (10)
01: Longest
day of year in Pakistan is____
Ans: 21 June
02: How many rings are
there on the Olympic flag
Ans: Five
03: The world highest
mountain is located in_____
Ans: Nepal
04: Which fort of Sindh
also known as the great wall of Sindh
Ans: Rani Kot
05: The full form of
P.I.A is_______
Ans: Pakistan International Airline
06: Famous lake Saiful
Malook is situated in___
Ans: K.P.K
07: How many stars are
there in the flag of America
Ans: 50
08: How many High courts
are in Pakistan
Ans: Five
09: Who became the
first ever non-Muslim woman elected to Pakistan Senate
Ans: Kirshna Kumari
10: Dushanbi is the
capital of _______
Ans: Tajikistan
11: The book
“Asrar-e-Khudi” was written by ___
Ans: Allama Iqbal
12: The real name of Bi
Amma was_____
Ans: Ibadi Begum
13: How many rivers are
in Punjab
Ans: 5
14: When One unit
system was dissolved
Ans: 1970
15: ____ is the
national fruit of Pakistan
Ans: Mango
16: Disk is the example
of ____
Ans: Secondary Storage device
17: ___ technology is
used in the 1st generation of computer.
Ans: Vaccum Tube
18: Computer understands ____ language.
Ans: Binary
19: Which short cut key
is used for Save as___
Ans: f12
20: F11 is used for ____
Ans: Full Screen
21: Outer layer of the body is called_____
Ans: skin
22: Which planet is
closed to the sun____
Ans: Mercury
23: The central control
system of Body is_____
Ans: Brain
24: The average of a
man heart beats about____
Ans: 72 times per minute
25: How much time the
Sunlight takes to reach on the Earth
Ans: 8 minutes
26. اسم عام جي ننڍڙي صورت کي اسم
______ چئبوآهي.
جواب. تصغير
27. هن پنهنجي زندگي
فقيري ۾ گذاري ( لفظ فقيري ڇا آهي)
جواب. اسم ذات
28. هن جي لکڻي تمام
سٺي آهي (لفظ لکڻي ڇا آهي)
جواب. اسم ذات
29. احمد هڪ بهادر
ڇوڪرو آهي ( احمد اسم جي ڪهڙي حصي ۾ آهي)
جواب. اسم خاص
30. هي ڪبوترن جو
شوقين آهي ( لفظ ڪبوتر ڇا آهي)
جواب. اسم عام
Jobs Preparation