G.K/ C.A (10)
01: The capital of
China is Beijing and currency is___
Ans: Yuan
02: The currency of
Scotland is Pound Sterling and the capital is____
Ans: Edenburg
03: The capital city of
Azad Kashmir is
Ans: Muzaferabad .
04: The capital of
Jordan is Aman and currency is ___
Ans: dinar
05: The largest coal
producer is ___
Ans: China
06: The largest cotton
producer is _____
Ans: India
07: The full form of
NAB is _____
Ans: National Accountability Bureau
08: The old name of Quetta
was ______
Ans: Shall Kot
09: ___ is called site
of ancient civilization.
Ans: Iraq
10: Radio was invented
by __
Ans: Marconi
11: The real name of poet Ustad Bukhari was____
Ans: Ahmed Shah
12: Spain is located in ___Continent
Ans: Europe
13: Who was the first
governor of State Bank of Pakistan
Ans: Zahid Hussain
14: First president and
Last Governor General of Pakistan was__
Ans: Iskander Mirza
15: Pakistan’s biggest
export item is___
Ans: Cotton/Textile
16: ____ flower is
called Summer Queen
Ans: Jasmine
17: Which is the
largest source of energy in Pakistan_____
Ans: Thermal
18: ___ recognized Pakistan first after
Ans: Iran
19: Largest Cricket
ground in Pakistan is __
Ans: Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore
20: Sindh
Madrassa-tul-Islam was founded by___
Ans: Aga Hassan Ali Afindi
Ans: Latin
22:Which short cut key is used to open my computer properties
Ans: win+pause
23: Present day computers are based on_____
Ans: Digital Technology
24: Temporary storage place for information in a computer is called____
Ans: Buffer
25: Which basic colors are used in computer graphics
Ans: RGB