FOR TESTS//16:05:2024
Ten Important Abbreviations
01: LBW: Leg Before Wicket
02: KG: Kindergarten
03: MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
04: RAM: Random Access Memory
06: VIP: Very Important Person
09:PCB: Pakistan Cricket Board
10: BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
01: Famous Warrior Changez Khan belongs to which country Present day
Ans: Mangolia
02:Jabir Bin Hayan was famous Muslim For
Ans: Chemist
03:Muhammad Bin Qasim was the Son In Law and Nephew of ____
Ans: Hijaj Bin Yousif
04: Moulvi Tamiz u Din was_________
Ans: Speaker and President of Pakistan’s constituent Assembly
Ans: Speaker and President of Pakistan’s constituent Assembly
05; When Parvez Musharaf resigned as the president of
Ans: 8th August 2008
Ans: 8th August 2008
06: When Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto became the Prime Minister of Pakistan
Ans: 1971
07: Syed Mehdi Ali was the real name of __________
Ans: Nawab Mohsin Ul Malik
08: Name the Pakistan who wins “Young Scientist Award 2021” in Biotechnology
Ans: Umair Masood
09: Who was Al Khawarizmi
Ans: Mathematician
10: What was the title given to Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan
Ans: Mohsin e Pakistan
Ans: 27th Ramzan 2. A.H
02: Battle of Uhad was fought in______
Ans: 3 Shawal 3 A.H
03: Which two Ghazwas were fought in 4th A.H
Ans: Ghazwa Banu Nadhir and Ghazwa Badar Al Sughra
04: The Battle of Khyber was fought in______
Ans: 7th A.H
05: Makkah was conqured in
Ans: 8th A.H
Five Important Discoveries
01: The Bulb was invented by ________
Ans: Thomas Edison in 1879
Ans: Thomas Edison in 1879
02: Printing Press Machine was invented by____
Ans: Johannes Guterberg
03: Telephone was invented by_______
Ans: Alexander Grahm bell
04: Who Invented Airplane
Ans: Wright Brothers
05:Who is the father of Motor Engine
Ans: Karl Benz
Jobs Preparation