01: Which country secured first position in the Gulf Youth Game 2024.
Ans: U.A.E
02: Which country became full member of (NATO) in April 2024
Ans: Sweden
03: How many members are there in UNO
Ans: 193
04: Which type of Government is ruled by a single person with absolute power ____
Ans: Autocracy
05: Who wrote the book " A grammar of Politics"
Ans: Laski
06: Pakistan launches its first ever moon mission named ICUB-Q with the assistance of ___
Ans: China
07: MFN is the abbreviation of _______
Ans: The most Favoured Nation
08: In April 2024, Which province of Pakistan recoded highest rainfall in 59 years.
Ans: KPK
09: On Which date Pakistan's historic and first ever lunar mission was launched
Ans: 3 May 2024
10: Yousif Raza Gillani became _____ Senate Chairman
Ans: 9th
11: First five year plan was prepared by Pakistan in_____
12: Kashmir Solidary day is celebrated on which date____
Ans: February 5th
13: Which day is observed as Black day in Kashmir
Ans: 27th October
14: Naqash e Faryadi was written by ______
Ans: Faiz Ahmed Faiz
15: Who was the Prime Minister, When Gawadar became the part of Pakistan
Ans: Feroz Khan Feroz
16: Largest serving President of Pakistan was______
Ans: Zia ul Haq
17: How many instruments were used in national Anthem
Ans: 21 Musical Instruments
18: Who became PM of Pakistan after Liaquat Ali Khan
Ans: Khuwaja Nizam U din
19: The first General Election in Pakistan were held under president ______
Ans: Yahya Khan
20: When Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif made his first visit to Turkey
Ans: May 31 2022
21: In which of year of Hijri was the order to demolish Masjid Zarar
Ans: 9th A.H (after the battle of Tabuk)
22: In Which Surah, Hajj fasting etc are mentioned
Ans: Surah Al Baqrah
23: What was the relation between Hazrat Shoaib A.S and Hazrat Musa A.S]
Ans: Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) was father in law of Hazrat Musa (A.S)
24: When was the battle of Nahrawan fought___
Ans: July 17, 658 A.D
25: Which false Prophet was killed during the life of Holy Prophet (SAW)
Ans: Musaylima
26: Which of the following food sources has the highest level of Vitamin C
Ans: Black Currants
27: Sodium Carbonate is Produced by_____
Ans: Ammonia Solvay Process
28: Which of the following is a fat-soluble Vitamin
Ans: Vitamin K
29: _____ vitamin can not be stored in Human body.
Ans: Vitamin C
30: ____is called Folic Acid
Ans: Vitamin B9
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