Dangers of Pollution
Pollution keeps an important significant dangers to our environment, health and Well being.
Most significant dangers of Pollution Consists:
01: Respiratory Issue:
Air pollution can lead to respiratory issues like asthama, bronchities, and lung cancer.
02: Waterbone disease:
Contaminated water can spread diseases cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.
03: Cancer
Explaination to pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial chemical can increase cancer risk.
04: Neurological damage:
Such pollutants, such as lead and mercury, can harm brain development and function.
05: Climate Change:
Green House gas emissions contribute to global warning, leading to extreme weather events and ecosystem disruption.
06: Ecosystem destruction:
Pollution can harm wildlife habitats, leading to biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse.
07: Birth defects and Infant Morality:
Exposure to pollution during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects and infant morality.
08: Neurodegenerative diseases:
Some pollution like pesticides and heavy metals, have been linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's Alzheimer's
09: Disease of Cardiovascular disease:
Pollution can increase the risk of heart disease, strokes, and other cardiovascular condition.
10: Economic Impacts:
Pollution can also have significant economic costs, from healthcare expenses to lkst